Thursday, June 13, 2019

Implantable Cardiac Defibrillators ( ICD ) : Current impact studies

Internal cardiac defibrillator: A device put within the body that is designed to recognize certain types of abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias) and correct them. Ventricular fibrillation (rapid irregular beating of the ventricles).So it is therefore here to prevent death from a heart failure. The device shocks the heart if it needs to be shocked, because of a life-threatening rhythm disturbance from the lower chambers of the heart. It can correct this rhythm.

Why do we need to implant defibrillators?
An implanted defibrillator is a bigger device. It is there to prevent death from a cardiac arrest. The device shocks the heart failure if it needs to be shocked, because of a life-threatening rhythm disturbance from the lower chambers of the heart. It can correct this rhythm. 

Can defibrillators stop a heart failure?
An implantable defibrillator will not prevent you from having a heart attack (heart failure). But if you have a cardiac arrest, it will save your life

Can defibrillators damage your heart?
Weak defibrillation shocks do not cause any damage to the heart but also do not defibrillate. Unlike internal defibrillators, which are tested at implantation, efficacy of an external defibrillator is determined only once, when it is most needed.

Well Our next mission is to find its existence at glance by our modern resent research work.

An implantable defibrillator is designed to monitor your heart rhythm 24 hours a day. If your heart is beating too fast or irregularly, the device will first send small painless electrical signals to correct your heart rate. If the fast heart rate continues, the defibrillator will deliver a shock to restore your heart to a normal rate.
The implantable defibrillator can also treat slow heart rhythms by sending electrical pulses to the heart to correct it. Your doctor will program the ICD to deliver the most effective therapies for your specific heart condition.Risks.

Risks associated with ICD implantation are uncommon but may include:

Infection at the implant site
Allergic reaction to the medications used during the procedure
Swelling, bleeding or bruising where your ICD was implanted
Damage to the vein where your ICD leads are placed
Bleeding around your heart, which can be life-threatening
Blood leaking through the heart valve where the ICD lead is placed
Collapsed lung (pneumothorax)

As its very difficult to find me something which is quite unnatural to discuss more risk factors associated with this ICD.
will be updating more about this on my upcoming posters and if you need to join with us for further discussion kindly click on the below mentioned link , as we are hear for you.
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